Four: Military Medal, 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal all correctly named to 2915 PTE. J. H. WARD 6 BN A.I.F.
Emb. 1 July 1915
DCM recommendation (downgraded to M.M.) 12th/13th June 1916
Military Medal recommendation (second citation) for the 30th October 1917 Zonnebeke
WIA 26th December 1917. Multiple gun shot wounds
London Gazette 27th June 1918
RTA 20th September 1918 Medically unfit
This is an outstanding double citation Military Medal group with his first citation stating he killed a German with a knob-kerry in the trenches, however it appears that this was too gruesome and there is a clear line through the comment. On the 30th June 1917 at a Coy parade (field) Pte Ward struck a superior officer calling him "A bloody bastard" amongst other things and received 90 days. As his first MM still had not been awarded the second citation is not for a bar to his MM but simply a recommendation for an MM. Could his failure to receive a bar be a mistake or the result of his charge?
Victory medal returned to sender and then re-sent to him (NOT A DOUBLE ISSUE)
There can be no doubt that this soldier was a tough man and certainly lives up to the fighting Anzac spirit.
An outstanding group.;